(Stained-glass skylite seen past a column in the Newark Public Library's Main Building)
I have been unable to publish updates to this blog because of a series of odd, and nearly calamitous, events, the most devastating to my blogging work being that TWO laptop computers in a row CRASHED beyond my recovering. After a great deal of delay and finding that I could not fix the problem/s myself, my friend Joe from Belleville told me I just have to have a computer, so I bit the bullet and bought a new one, a Dell Inspiron 15 3000 laptop, from Staples on Bloomfield Avenue in Bloomfield. (I am annoyed that I do not know how to pronounce "Inspiron", and that uncertainty confirms me in my decision many years ago to work on a radical respelling system for English.)
The new computer comes with NO user manual, printed or electronic, except for a "Quck Start Guide" of 11 pages, each about 4" x 6", in small type! We are just to be born knowing.
Unfortunately, this new laptop, like the second one that crashed on me, came with Windows 10, an appallingly stupid, difficult, and opaque operating system that will take a very long time for me to master, if indeed any mere mortal can ever truly master Windows 10.
I may still have to have my older laptops — one or both — repaired, at least to the point of offloading all my important data, even if I never again use the equipment itself. Staples offers repair service, for $160 per machine at least for the initial evaluation. I don't know if actual repairs will exceed that.
You'd think that a college town like Newark (45,000+ students in junior and senior colleges) would have to have expert computer-repair shops, but I don't know of any, so unless someone among the readers of this blog has a well-based recommendation, I would have no information but what I can find in the Yellow Pages or online reviews. My friend Don in Manhattan has a very unfavorable opinion of Staples' repair service, but I'm not persuaded he has a solid evidentiary basis for his jaundiced view.
It will take me a very long time to create the directory structure (in Microsoftese, "folders") with which to store my work into the future. My brother Alan gave me the second laptop that crashed, and I had barely deleted his folders and created SOME of my own before that hand-me-down computer failed. I had recreated some of my directories, and recovered some — but not all — lost logins and passwords, but not yet gotten around to creating backups on CD/DVD disks when that computer (a Toshiba) crashed, so all the work I had done in the two or so months I was forced to use the Toshiba was LOST. The failure to back up was in part a result of everything taking me something like FIVE TIMES as long to do in Windows 10 and the replacement programs I was forced to learn than it would have on my years-old laptop that crashed first (an Acer).
Fortunately, I did have backups for a lot of fotos I had taken before the CD/DVD drive on my Acer stopped working years ago. I thereafter bought a 500 GB external hard drive (Simple Drive brand), but for reasons unknown to me, it stopped being recognized by my computer! So TWO backup systems failed! As Robert Burns observed "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men | Gang aft a-gley". How many backup systems must we employ? Apparently more than two!
Now there are "cloud" storage systems I might use, but I have to LEARN them, and every minute taken to learn something new can displace more than twice the time, due to mental and emotional energy, that should go to the work I'd rather be doing.
I also did manage to retrieve from the SD chip in my present camera, fotos going back a few years that I hadn't entrusted to storage only on my laptop/s and Simple Drive external hard drive. And when I was having these horrendous computer problems, I was still taking some pictures for use in this blog.
I thus have lots of fotos to use here on various topics, chief among which, if there be time before Amazon makes its decision about where to site its "HQ2", a post of many points as to why Newark would plainly be the best place for HQ2, and lots of fotos with which to show that in visual terms, more than just textual argumentation.
Unfortunately, not all those fotos are easily uploadable to or accessible from Google Photos, the appallingly inferior successor to Google's Picasa Online Albums, which is very hard to work with. On my account, the option to create a new album (as for HQ2) is grayed-out. I don't know why, nor if there's any fix available. Maybe I have to create a new account. Nothing in the computer world makes any sense anymore, and if you go online to find a fix, you might be steered wrong, as I have found on a number of occasions in trying to cope with all the changes between Windows Vista and Windows 10.
I found, in composing this post, that there is a way WITHIN Google Blogger, to upload fotos from my hard drive directly into a post, but I need to see if there is enuf storage allowance in Blogger for the many, many fotos I would want to use here. A great feature of doing things this way is that if you hover the cursor on the picture, you can click to enlarge it to its full size! For right now, then, this post has only one foto. If I can find a way to add fotos to Google Photos or another (free) service from which I can insert them into this blog without exceeding my allowance in Blogger, I will add more illustrations within a few days, and place a note atop a later post to advise that pix have been added to this post. I don't know how long it will take me to get back to frequent posting, but you might stop by now and then to see. Thank you for your indulgence.